In rare situations, orders may get delayed. We will keep you updated through calls or emails on the status of your orders. You can also call or email us to check on your orders.
Select the product you wish to buy Add the product to your shopping bag by clicking on "Add to cart" Go to your shopping bag and click on "Go to Checkout" Provide your Shipping and Billing Address - Select the payment method. Confirm payment and your order will be placed You will be notified via email.
Just call or email us with the reason of cancellation and we will cancel the order for you. If your order has been already shipped then cancellation will not be possible. You can refuse to take the delivery and your order will be cancelled automatically.
There are multiple ways you can pay for your order Cash on delivery (COD) Credit Card Debit Card Net Banking UPI E- Wallets.
Yes, all our payments are secured by the Razorpay payment gateway. Any details provided by you during the transaction are completely safe. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to know more.