Sharbati atta is a regional type of atta, derived from wheat farmed in MP's Sehore and Vidisha areas. Sharbati atta is sweet in taste and softer in texture.

“Sharbati” is the most premium type of wheat available in the country. There is the black and alluvial fertile soil in the Sehore area which is suitable for the production of Sharbati wheat. Sharbati wheat is also called The Golden Grain because its color is golden, it looks heavy on the palm and its taste is sweet, hence its name is Sharbati. As the name suggests, Sharbati variety wheat is slightly sweeter in test probably due to the presence of a little more amount of simple sugars like glucose and sucrose as compared to other wheat varieties.
- This is a Vegetarian product.
- High-quality MP Sharbat Wheat being used - sourced directly from the farmers
- Made by the traditional chakki method and is not refined 100% Flour 0%, Maida
- A significant source of energy in our diet
- A good source of protein, B vitamins & vitamin E -Rich in bran which contains a significant amount of dietary fiber
- The manufactured process ensures 100% pure and natural whole wheat atta and retention of its natural dietary fibers and nutrients
- The essential nutrition remains locked in the whole wheat atta which helps in easy digestion and supports immunity
- A fully automatic machine ensures 100% hygiene
- The dough made from Superior MP Atta absorbs more water making the Rotis soft, fluffy and delicious.
- Sharbati wheat is derived from the wheat grown in the Sehore and Vidisha regions of MP. Also known as the MP wheat, Sharbati atta is sweeter in taste and better in texture.
- The grains of Sharbati atta are bigger in size and has a golden sheen to them.
- An interesting fact about Sharbati atta is that drought brings out the best quality in this wheat.
- Being rain water irrigated, the soil for Sharbati wheat is high in potash content and low in humidity.
- This amazingly ends up increasing the protein content of the wheat by almost 2% more as compared to the wheat flour.
- This also leads to the Sharbati wheat crop skipping the requirement of pesticides being used.
- Hence the flour from the sharbatI wheat crop automatically qualifies as a better flour than the rest.